Jimbo In Korea

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Open Class

Yesterday we had open classes where the parents sit in to see what their money is being spent on. Most of my classes were ok apart from one where there were 13 kids and 13 parents in the class. None of the children had done their homework and they decided not to co-operate at all. One of the girls even started messing about on the whiteboard and her mum encouraged her. How are we meant to get them to work when that happens?
I'm off to the largest electronics market in Asia in Yongsan in a bit. Just had sushi for lunch. It cost about £4 for a big box of it, and I'm listening to Radio 2 at the moment!
Below is the river I go running along every morning. It nice a flat and one side of it has a track made of the stuff in athletics stadiums.


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